reusable staff badges

There is a right combination for the type of name badge you should choose based on your organization and its specific needs. Reusable staff badges have proven to be beneficial to many businesses which is why we often recommend them to our customers. We've seen the types of businesses that thrive with this sort of name badge, and we'd want to share some of our expertise with you so that you may select the perfect name badges for your company. If you resonate with any of the traits listed below, you might wish to consider reusable staff badges as a solution for your updated employee dress code.

Looking to Save on Costs

As far as business name badges go, reusable staff badges are a great cost-effective option. If you would like a name badge that gives you a great value for what you are spending, you will want to consider a reusable option. Reusable name badges allow you to use the same exact badges for years, without having to replace them along the way. This works so well because the badges can be adjusted at any point in time to keep up with the changing work staff. Whenever your employees leave the company or change their job titles, you can let them keep their old name tags, but replace the insert slip with an updated one. This aspect is especially helpful for companies facing moderate to high turnover rates, which involve a changing of staff members fairly often throughout the year. Since you do not have to purchase new name tags each and every time the tags need to be changed, you can save on the amount you would have spent had they been permanent ones. This allows you to save on name badges for years.

Wanting Flexibility in Design

While you are able to react quickly to changes in your work staff, you are also able to react quickly to changes in branding using reusable staff badges. Many aspects of a company are not fixed and are open to change over time. When this happens with branding elements such as company name, colors, logo, and tagline, you will likely have your plate full readjusting everything to match these new standards. Whenever you need to change some branding elements, the name tag should come up as well. Name badges typically feature the company's logo and color story, so these are all things you will have to change with the rebranding. Reusable staff badges make this an easy and efficient for you since you do not need to throw them away and start from scratch. You can conveniently print out new name tag inserts right in your office, and replace the inserts in the name tags just like that. As busy as a rebrand might have you, your name badges will be one thing you can relax about.

Making Efforts Toward Sustainability

Though it may be a small step, it is a step in the right direction. Reusable staff badges are excellent for those who are looking for any ways possible to reduce their waste and improve their efforts toward sustainability. As we know, reusable name tags can be held on to and reused for years, whereas permanent name tags may only be used for as long as the details on it remain up-to-date. You can keep your reusable badges in use for an indefinite amount of time, which is a major aspect of sustainability. You want to make sure that when you purchase products, there is a clear purpose for them and that they will be put to good use. These are not short-term, disposable goods, but modest investments in your business's operations. Our reusable name badges at Imprint Plus are also made using metal components, which is great because it is a very long-lasting material that holds up well over time, and it is easy to recycle once it is done. You get a high-quality product made from durable materials that are built-to-last, and you also have a thoughtful method of disposal once you are done with the name badge holders. For any company dedicated to finding new ways to be mindful of waste and materials used, this is the best way to go.

Based on our experience with the numerous clients at Imprint Plus who have chosen to use reusable staff badges for these reasons and more. If you can relate to at least one of these instances, designing and making your own reusable personalized name tags may be in your best interest. You can learn more about our reusable name badges here and see how the process works. It is very simple and relieves you of stress and frustration, so you can just come up with a design and let us take care of the rest.