Name Badge Holders

We stray from the one-size-fits-all approach here at Imprint Plus. Our customers all have different needs and the only way to meet them is by being flexible and consultative. That means we’ll never try to get you to accommodate what we offer when a customizations will provide a better experience overall.

That extends beyond the designs of our badges and signage all the way down into how those badges affix to your employees uniforms. On that note, here are some of the situations in which magnetic name badge holders are superior to other alternatives like pin fasteners.

  1. When you don’t want to puncture your uniform

The biggest advantage of magnetic name badge holders is that they free you from the need to puncture your uniform. Since the magnets secure the holder in place, there’s nothing to actually puncture the fabric of your uniform, protecting it from damage over time.

This is ideal when you need to take care to preserve the integrity of your employees uniforms, when you don’t want to make permanent alterations, or if the uniform itself is made from delicate or expensive materials. Some weaves can accommodate a pin without experiencing any damage, but others, not so much. Magnets are ideal for these.

  1. When you want to be able to quickly swap out our remove your name badge

Despite the fact that pin fasteners are highly reliable, magnetic name badge holders are actually quicker and more convenient to swap out. Since all that holds them onto the plate backing are magnets, you can pop them off easily to switch out a name plate. If your badges use inserts, you can make these swaps even more easily. Just take the magnet off and replace it with a new badge, or in the case that your badge uses an insert sheet, simply replace it.

  1. Magnets are actually easier to use

Another thing that’s great about magnetic name badge holders is that they are actually easier to use than pin fasteners. It requires less attention to details and no finicking with small, delicate pieces, as in the case of a pin fastener.

They’re easier for everyone to use, but a magnetic fastener might also be a highly suitable option for any employees that have difficulty with tasks that require fine motor skills. It would be much more amenable to them to use a magnetic fastener than a pin fastener.

  1. They won’t slip

It’s no secret that pin fasteners offer very secure attachments to uniforms, but despite the fact that they won’t “come off” unless broken or deliberately removed, if they are stressed or not affixed properly, they can slip or move slightly from their location.

This won’t happen with magnetic fasteners because it ’t really happen. There’s nothing to slip or slide, and once the magnets are seated, they’re held firmly in place until they’re purposely dislodged. They ’t slip like pin fasteners as they don’t rely on friction with the fabric to stay in place, but rather on the powerful rare earth magnets that they employ.

  1. There’s really nothing to break

Finally, there’s the fact that there’s nothing to break with magnetic name badge holders. Almost all other types of fasteners have parts that can break, and the little parts that are present in small pin fasteners are some of the biggest offenders. When pulled on, or otherwise stressed, the pins themselves can deform, or the little latches and catches can deform or break. If that happens, there’s little that can be done to fix them.

If you apply stress to a magnetic name badge fastener, there’s not really anything that can break. At a certain point, the name badge will just pop off of the fastener, but there aren’t any small or moving parts that can deform or break, as is the case with pin fasteners. That alone justifies the extra price of magnetic name badge fasteners!

Magnetic Name Badge Fasteners Not for You? Try Our Pin Fasteners

All of this being considered, we know that magnetic name tag holders are not right in every single situation. When used properly, pins are tough, reliable, and offer a very secure connection to a uniform. Also, even if they aren’t as easy to use as magnetic fasteners, they’re still pretty easy to use, and they’re very affordable as well.

If you want to learn more about our different fasteners, you can always get in touch with us at 800-563-2464 and we’ll walk you through your options. We don’t just offer you choices in fastener customization; we can also help you create a fleet of completely customized name badges for your business, in metal or plastic, complete with your company colors or logo.

Take a look at our design tools here on our website and if you want to learn more get in touch with us. Our professional design staff are standing by.