staff badges

Business owners and administrators wear a lot of hats. Whatever the duties of a manager entail, it’s unlikely that seeing to the design and distribution of staff badges are among the most important or even the most exciting of them. However, if your organization - whatever it does - does not make use of them, it could be missing out on some of the following benefits.

Designing and distributing a fleet of staff ID cards to your employees will actually bring with it a number of benefits both tangible and intangible, including some of the following.

Why Staff Badges Are Valuable

Your employees all work together, so sooner or later they’re going to get to know each other. They won’t necessarily need name tags and they’ll even become familiar with nicknames and other personalized identifiers that make a workplace more friendlier and more enjoyable.

However, that’s just one situation and not all workplaces can foster the same exact conditions. Inter-departmental functions, travel and large organizations all face challenges with personal acquaintanceship, and any of your staff that are customer or partner facing will understandably not be familiar with everyone with whom they interact at all times.

Here are some of the best reasons - and the best outcomes you can expect - from utilizing a fleet of high-quality, reusable staff badges like those that you can produce with our tools at Imprint Plus.

  1. Foster friendliness, openness, communication and collaboration

If you really want to create the perfect atmosphere for your customers and employees, then it’s going to require more than the design and implementation of staff badges - but that’s a good start. A workplace where everyone knows each other's names and faces, right from the start, is one that encourages communication, friendliness and collaboration. Let’s face it, being discouraged from asking for help can be as simple as not knowing the name of the person you would ask.

staff badges
Workplaces that take the extra little effort to put a name to a face and encourage that environment of openness are also those that encourage employee friendly and collaboration. Besides, when you get down to the most basic level, the things that personalize us are also those that make us feel the most safe - and when workers feel safe, they feel confident. Confident workers aren’t afraid to work hard and try new things, or to speak their minds, and that kind of encouragement in a workplace is what separates intuition, adaptability and flexibility from the competition that doesn’t respond to the times.

It might be considered an intangible, but the truth is that companies that promote this type of openness foster positive feelings of acceptance and cooperation among the people that work for them, and that spills over into their customer service.

  1. Encourage a feeling of personal pride and accountability among staff members

On top of the fact that utilizing staff badges can make your employees feel more like they are a part of a whole and make them more confident about their role in the organization, something as simple as a name badge or a photo ID badge can actually have a profound impact on the operations of your employees.

Think of it this way. It’s not that we’re suggesting that anyone would willingly or intentionally take advantage of their anonymity when rendering customer service, but not having your name displayed on your uniform does take away some of the individuality from the process. Add a name to a face and suddenly there is a whole new layer of accountability wrapped up in the process.

Whether your employees are simply preparing tables and maintaining an area or they are responsible for promoting your products at an exhibition, associating their names with their performance is a great way to encourage their personal sense of pride in their work. It ties them to their efforts and promotes a stronger sense of involvement in work. It also makes the company itself more personable and adds in a human touch, which has a number of unique benefits of their own.

  1. Provide a more personal experience for your customers - and your employees

Even for those of you that aren’t expressly looking to improve the atmosphere of your current workplace or are confident that your employees already take a lot of pride in their work, there are always ways to make your processes better. One of those ways is to put a personal touch on it. The easiest and most efficient way to do that is by rolling out a fleet of staff badges for your employees to wear.

It’s less invasive than mandating a certain type of greeting or anything of that nature, and it’s a passive form of personalization at well. Sometimes a change, even one for the better, is met with an undue measure of resistance, often for the sake of resistance itself. Passive measures of change are more effective and meet with less resistance than active measures because, often, they aren’t even noticed.

Make it a policy to have employees start wearing their name badges at work and it’ll change the overarching mood of the workplace, and you can bet the change will be for the better. Rolling out a new collection of name badges for your employees will at worst give them the ability to approach each other on a personal level and at best foster those feelings of community that we mentioned in our very first point. There’s no downside to improving the personality of company culture!

  1. Increase the value of your brand - and promote it

Have you ever personally visited a trade show or another large event where a large number of companies were openly promoting their wares or services? If the answer is yes, have you ever been to one where the different companies showcased failed to provide their staff with uniforms and name tags? Probably not, because the practice is near universal.

The same two facets of good business practices are also present among catering and hosting personnel as well as among employees in retail operations, in food service, and in hospitality. It’s a common practice because it is important to the image of the brand being promoted.

You wouldn’t want to run a catering business if the patrons at the event didn’t know who was catering to their needs or why. It’s actually even more harmful to your image as a business if you do a good job providing service and don’t promote your image. Everyone will be pleased, but they won’t know whom to thank - or whom to turn to when they need the same services rendered again!

This is one of the main reasons, and one of the most important, that businesses in so many industries make it a point to provide staff badges, uniforms and standardized procedures for their employees. It strengthens the image of unity at a company and it gives customers the ability to associate quality with that image. It also provides a feeling of consistency - which is crucial to brand management.

To think that brand management could be impacted so strongly by the use of employee ID cards or other forms of standardized identification - but it’s true!

  1. Create a more holistic feeling of professionalism

If there were a way for you to improve your company’s holistic image to the outside world - to potential customers, even - by engendering a stronger feeling of professionalism, would you chase it? Well, you may be able to do so, with something as simple as rolling out an initiative to have your employees start wearing name badges - or wearing higher quality name badges, that you can get here at Imprint Plus.

The name badge, just like the uniform and any other visible credentials that your employees front or wear, is a visual extension of your brand, and thereby of your organization as a whole. The higher the quality the name badge, the more composed the appearance of the overall uniform, the better is the impression that is left on an audience of potential (or actual) customers.

A name badge, or the ID badge holder itself is also a blank slate for you to extend your brand value and to produce an image that is as refined and professional as your business itself. Think of it like a logo of sorts, and one that represents your company, just like the staff members that constitute your workforce!

  1. Communicate experience without saying a word

Some staff badges also give you the ability to communicate experience about your employees without saying so much as a word. Additionally, since we give you the ability to create completely customized name tags and other signage, you can do it more easily than you might have imagined.

Consider that some organizations use their employees name tags to advertise titles or years of experience. In this manner, a name tag gives you the ability to provide additional information about the hierarchy of your organization, both to other employees and to customers. That same tag may give you the ability to advertise a group of employees’ roles within the organization as well as their lengths of service, their experience, or their credentials.

staff badges

  1. Enhance, promote and enforce security measures

Something else about name tags and other identifiers that provides very real value to an organization is the ability they give you to enhance, promote and enforce security measures, in some cases even implementing them. This is probably one of the main reasons that some organizations require the use of name tags - especially those offices that rarely have client facing events.

Naturally a name badge with inherent components like RFID tags gives you a passive ability to allow certain people specific access to areas of your business, or to prevent it. It also gives you the ability to track who accesses what and when. However, even a name tag with minimal or no additional technology heightens your security.

The reason for this is that in a large organization where not everyone may be familiar with each other, a person without a name tag sticks out. Sometimes organizations require visitors to get guest badges in order to heighten security.

It’s a simple, easy and effective way to boost workplace security, even without implementing a new system of electronics, surveillance and other measures.

  1. Improve employee morale and make employees feel welcome

Finally, leveling the playing field and giving everyone a name tag makes everyone in the organization like they’re in it together, regardless of titles and responsibilities. For some reason, it just seems to be a decent and effective way to promote morale and improve inclusivity.

Luckily, you can do that more easily with the many options that we place at your disposal.

What We Provide in Staff Badges

Whatever you’re envisioning in staff badges, we can make it a reality. In fact, using the badge design tool on the page at the link above, you can create your very own design for your badges or you can call one of our design specialists and we can assist you in creating badges with a unique style. Once you have a design you love, we print them or you can handle the printing - you decide!

We also provide a range of reusable name badges as well as permanent plastic and permanent metal badges, in addition to photo ID and membership badges. Our products are created using only the highest quality materials and are designed to stand up to years of use - keeping down costs for you and benefiting the environment!

We also offer a range of accessories including badge talkers and a variety of fasteners so you can enjoy just the functionality you expect from your new fleet of badges.

Contact Us!

If you’re still wrangling with questions about the best type of badges to invest in for your organization, give us a call. We’ll help you determine what material is most suitable for your business given the conditions you face, and we’ll help you extract the most value from the deal. If you don’t walk away with a set of new name badges that satisfy you, then we aren’t satisfied either.

You can reach us at 800-563-2464 anytime you want to learn more, and feel free to follow us on our , and to keep up with news and developments, some of which may be relevant to your industry!