A man with a smile wearing a Photo ID Badge

Thinking of getting your team photo ID badges? It makes total sense to want your staff to have their names displayed prominently, whether it’s to ensure larger teams can easily identify each other and customers can feel a better connection to your employees. Either way, photo ID badges are definitely a staple of many company uniforms.

Reasons to Use Photo ID Badges in the Workplace

If you’ve been tossing around the idea of photo ID badges but aren’t quite sure if you should make the plunge, here are some reasons that prove photo ID badges will improve your workplace environment.

Increased security

This is a major advantage of using photo IDs. This significantly reduces the chances of an unauthorized person making their way into the workplace and you will be able to easily verify employees so you can keep track of who is entering which restricted area with ease.

Keep better track of employees

Since photo ID badges are customized, it’s easy to immediately identify each employee whether it’s on video or in-person. This is especially useful if you have hourly employees and need to keep track of when they enter or leave the facility.

Photo ID badges can be customized

When you’re going through a company like ours, it’s super easy to have each badge customized by color or more. You can color-code the badges based on position or department, making it super easy to identify employees at large workspaces. You can also implement various new technologies, like using the badges to grant access to certain areas without having to closely monitor them.

Make an Impact on Customers

If you have customers visiting your workspace, like a retail store or hospital, photo ID badges are excellent for making a connection between your employees and those that stop by the space. Customers like being able to identify workers and use their name, making the experience a lot friendlier and personable.

Keep Track of Performance

Similarly, customers will be able to leave reviews for specific employees if they know their name. While customers will often ask employees they like for their name, they may feel uncomfortable asking for a name if they plan to leave a negative review after a bad experience. Photo ID badges allow customers to easily identity who they are interacting with and write proper reviews for you to see.

Industries That Need Photo ID Badges

While it doesn’t hurt to have photo ID badges at any job, there are some workplaces that benefit more than others. There are also some industries where IDs are essential. Here are some industries that should implement photo ID badges right away.


Hotels, airlines, cruise ships often have the goal of making customers feel special and welcomed. Having photo ID badges for each employee adds to this effect, allowing customers to feel an instant connection when they interact with your employees.


Hospitals and nursing homes are always busy. You have multiple shifts switching in and out, chaotic work hours, and unpredictable situations. Having customized IDs can help you keep track of which employees are working which shift and in what department. These badges can also help nurses, doctors, and staff connect with patients. Making patients feel safe, welcome, and cared for is super important, meaning any little personal touch can make a huge impact.


Casinos are a unique environment that almost feel like an escape from the outside world. Customers come to be in an entirely different atmosphere that feels separate from their usual worklife or mundane week. When they come in, they want to feel like they’re part of something, which is why name badges can really help. Customers should feel comfortable striking up conversation with employees, building relationships and trust as they spend hours inside the space.


Clubs and organizations are created to make members feel special as well as connected to an entirely different community. Making sure employees are easily identified is key to helping members feel like they know everybody at the club and can easily figure out who does what so they don’t feel lost.


Libraries, large campuses, and other learning centers significantly benefit from having easily identifiable staff. It helps students feel more comfortable around staff and helps build connections that foster a stronger education. But it also makes these spaces safer. You don’t want random people getting into school property, especially classrooms and other restricted areas. Photo ID badges ensure that everyone coming into campus is allowed there. It can also help employees bond since many of them might not see each other enough outside of lunch and hallways to build a connection.

Retail and Restaurants

When you’re dealing with customers, it’s highly important to make them feel welcome and seen. You can help them feel instantly welcomed with photo ID badges. Customers will be able to identify employees immediately, making it easier to find someone when they need help. It can also help create an instant connection since they know their name and can have a more casual conversation with them, making the experience more enjoyable. And like we said earlier, customers can leave reviews a lot easier when they know employees’ names ahead of time.


Whether it’s a park, a gym, or an arcade, people come to recreational spaces to have fun and feel relaxed. This is often their personal time to do something fun or celebrate something special. To make spaces like bowling alleys, movie theaters, and museums an even better experience, you definitely want employees to have photo ID badges. This can make the environment feel a lot friendlier and laid-back, creating more casual conversations and instantly building connections between staff and customers. You want this to be a fun experience that has them coming back for more, which means the more comfortable they feel the better.