A person in a suit holding a business card, representing Membership Badges.

Keeping customers happy and satisfied is a priority for all businesses. Studies have shown that extensive and well-thought customer service equates to a good experience for the customer. This is likely to yield higher customer retention rates. But how do you improve their experience outside of client support space?

Think higher retention rates and increased customer satisfaction- this is especially true for those in the retail and the service industry. It is essential to find opportunities to reward loyal customers and give them exclusive access to perks! An effective way to implement a customer rewards program is through membership badges. This is another aspect of customer experience often overlooked.

Your rewards program easily becomes a determining factor for your market on whether they will choose to be loyal to your brand. Voila, brand loyalty! The more you give patrons reasons to avail of your services, the more they are likely to be repeat customers. But how big of a difference can membership badges actually make for your customers? Here are a few things membership badges can offer your current patrons.

A close-up image of a membership card with a logo, member's name, and expiration dateA close-up image of a membership card with a logo, member's name, and expiration date

Tailored Customer Experience

Having a visual marker to determine the level of service a customer is entitled to can let patrons have a smooth encounter. Implementing tiered or premium services for certain clients based on a rewards program can be tricky to execute.

This also lets you launch different packages or tiers without having to complicate the process for implementation. By having a clear system that is supported by visual cues, you lessen the time delegating tasks to different team members. Instead, supplement them with complete information and guides, so they are able to ater to all different tiers of membership levels or programs.

Avoid Altercations

The burden of providing the appropriate level of service should be on the service provider. Once clients are the ones making sure they’re getting the level of service they’re entitled to, then a few things could go wrong.

The goal of improved customer service is to lessen incidents that require handling irate patrons. By distinguishing each level of membership among your customers, you leave less room for mistakes and mishandling. One thing to consider, though, is client education. You will have to provide the right materials so they clearly know what they are entitled to, given their level of patronage. Customer empowerment should be a part of your efforts to improve their experience.

Imprint Plus testimonial from customer expressing their positive experienceImprint Plus testimonial from customer expressing their positive experience

Create a Sense of Exclusivity

Nothing screams premiere than exclusivity- a treatment most customers look for. Whether you are in retail offering exclusive discounts for repeat customers or a service provider that fulfills a need depending on subscriptions or package deals, all consumers expect a certain level of service and attention.

Giving them the power to choose which is right for their needs and budget is a luxury in itself. By knowing what to expect in their purchased deal, there is certainty and comfort knowing that they are getting what they pay for.

Ultimately, we want to be a step ahead of consumers. In doing so, businesses become attentive to trends and behaviors that can directly affect revenue or losses. While it’s not always possible to be accurate in these predictions, the best we can do is to roughly have an idea of what to expect and prepare as best we could.

There are various ways to learn more about your clients. The key is to keep track of all your efforts to know which work best. By far, customer support and optimizing customer experience are effective tools to nudge them in the direction we ideally want them to go.

Why Improved Customer Experience Influences Customer Behavior

According to USC, there are seven step to changing behavior:

  1. Interrupt patterns
  2. Create comfort
  3. Lead Imagination
  4. Shift feelings
  5. Satisfy the critical mind
  6. Take action
  7. Change associations

Incorporating membership badges already create a physical interruption to an already set pattern they may have already been used to. Afterwhich, they fall into a sense of comfort knowing they are provided a package or determined set of services given their purchased or acquired tier. Given all these, your customers are now able to want more. This gives room for imagination or even suggestions on how you can better serve them. When you are able to address various sentiments of your clientele, you can take the right steps and shift the way they navigate customer support.

Blue box with 4 out of 5 stars ratingBlue box with 4 out of 5 stars rating
A man with shopping bags, showing a thumbs up gesture, indicating his satisfaction with his purchases.A man with shopping bags, showing a thumbs up gesture, indicating his satisfaction with his purchases.

Unfortunately, the negative stigma that comes with seeking customer support is not without its reasons. Through improved customer experience, you can change its reputation, at least, for your own business. Providing support doesn’t always have to mean handling complaints or negative feedback.

At Imprint plus, we understand the value of being known- be it through your title or name. The same way you let your customers know who to reach, whenever or wherever, you are able to let them in on what to expect from you. By making it a positive experience for them, you pave the way in influencing their behavior and making sure their overall customer experience is one that will keep them returning.

The smallest additions to your processes can make the biggest difference. Going the extra mile, whether for internal purposes or client-facing circumstances, always pays off. It can be the membership badges or nametags that give your team the confidence to provide the right service to the right people.

Want to get started on implementing membership badges to your patrons?

Imprint Plus has been setting the standard for high-quality name badges and signage tools for over 40 years. We’re proud to be at the forefront of top-quality, professional name badges and signage that drive customer loyalty within different organizations across all lines of business.

Find out more photo ID and membership badgesmade in Canada that can be designed specifically for your organization or team. If you’r enot sure where to start, you can simply fill out the form below and one of our customer service representatives will be in touch to assist you.