Covid-19 has been absolutely devastating to people and businesses around the world. In these unprecedented times, above all else, the health and safety of your employees and your customers should come first. If you run a business and haven’t already gotten precautionary covid signs then now may be the best time to do so. Through safety products and covid signs for businesses, all of all health concerns of Covid-19 can be addressed while still maintaining the same brand image that you’ve fought so hard to build.

Safety Products

covid signs for businesses

Customizable Masks

One way to practice covid-19 safety precautions is by customizing masks for your employees with your company’s logo or design. Most states and provinces require the wearing of masks in public places to lower the risk of contracting the virus. Because of this, forward-facing employees should be wearing a mask when dealing with customers. Why not get your employees a comfortable mask to match your company’s uniform or brand colors. Our customizable cloth face masks are machine washable and allow you to look good while still protecting yourself and others.

Counter Sneeze Guards


Another great way to maintain your brand image while still following Covid guidelines is through sneeze guards and banner shields. If you’ve been to any retail business recently you’ve likely seen one of these. It is almost absurd to think that only a year ago these were virtually unheard of and now they’ve become the new normal. If you have employees that work a cash register or a desk that have to deal with other customers it may be wise to invest in a counter sneeze guard.

One great thing about our counter sneeze guards is how easy they are to install. Zero tools are needed for installation. They have slotted feet so you can just place them on the counter and you’re done. This a simple step to take to assure the wellbeing of your staff. The convenience of these products continues with how easy they are to sanitize. These sneeze guards are made from quality materials that make them durable and able to last. They are completely transparent so your customers and employees can still interact and maintain a friendly atmosphere in the workplace.

Sneeze Guard Walls and Banner Shields

We also have wall sneeze guards and banner shields available that are excellent ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19. They are completely customizable. Add your logo or leave them blank. They are portable and easy to assemble. They are great as a standalone guard or can be connected together to form other walls.

If you have a business where people are normally in close proximity to one another then these may be the smartest move. A good example of use would be businesses like hairdressers or restaurants where customers are normally sitting near each other. These sneeze guards and banner shields can assure that your customers don’t have direct, face-to-face contact.

Covid Signs For Businesses

covid signs for businesses

6 Feet Apart Signs & Decals

We have a vast number of social distancing and safety products, but one of the simplest and most effective things you can do is invest in covid signs for businesses. Covid signs can be reminders to customers and staff of the dangers of the coronavirus and reestablish the rules and laws that are set in place for health-related reasons.

The CDC recommends standing 6-feet apart from one another in public areas. We have 6-feet apart signs available to remind customers to obey this rule. These can easily be placed in heavy-traffic areas. If you have a business where it is normal for people to wait in line then these can be particularly useful. This way customers will be reminded to stay at an appropriate distance from those around them. This prevents a hostile environment while also assuring safety for everyone involved.

Hand Washing Signs

There are plenty of other signs that can be applied to your business to address covid-19 guidelines besides the 6-feet apart signs. One sign has been implemented long before the effects of covid-19, but is still equally, if not more, important today. That would be hand-washing signs. Most public restrooms already have signs reminding employees to wash their hands. This obviously is important because you want your employees to practice cleanliness and avoid any situation that can be harmful to someone’s health. However, this also is great because seeing those signs assures customers that the employees there are practicing healthy cleaning routines.

This develops a sort of trust from the customer toward the employees and the business in general. If the bathrooms in your place of business do not already have these signs or the signs you do have are dated, broken, or just need to be replaced then now may be the perfect time to get them.

All of these signs and safety precautions are great ways to show that your business is taking this pandemic seriously and that you care about the health of your customers. People love to see that you are taking the proper steps to protect them. We hope that our social distancing and safety products can remind people of the dangers of covid-19 and ultimately slow the spread of the virus. Whether you are looking for sneeze guards, customizable masks, or covid signs for businesses, our site has everything you’re looking for. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.