custom business badges

Custom name tags for businesses can be a great addition to the workplace dress code by creating a more clean, unified look amongst your employees. It is a small detail, but it helps to bring everyone together as employees of the same company, while also aiding in introductions between your staff members and new customers. Once you have decided that your employees and company would benefit from using custom business badges, you have to consider the design you wish to use and make it fit with the company-wide branding so that it feels like a natural extension of the company's vision. We recognize that many of our clients do not fully know what their options are for custom name badges, so we want to make things more clear for everyone how you can go about designing name tags for your businesses and what they could look like.

Minimal Design

Starting off with the most simplified form of name tag design and working our way into more elaborate designs, let's look at the first route you can go down when creating your company's custom business badges. The first sort of look you can go for is a more minimal one that comes across as clean and simple; that is a more minimalistic design. For this sort of look, you really do not have to go through much trouble, you just want to come up with a design that is simple and gets the message across clearly. For this sort of design, you want to start off with the basic information that you want for your name tags such as name, job title, and perhaps the company logo if you are sure you want that worked into the design. Aside from these details, you do not have to add much to create your custom business badges. You can add an extra detail along the frame of the badges with the company's colors, but besides this, you can be done with adding details.

This creates a name badge that is clean, simple, and to the point. It serves its function of making that brief introduction to guests, but does not add extra details to distract from the text. This design works well for businesses that want to appear professional and sophisticated like ones that offer high-end products or services. It is also easier to create this design than any other, which makes it more achievable even for those who are not the most well-versed in graphic design.

More Detailed

As a fun alternative to the style previously mentioned, you can also opt for a name tag design that is much more detailed and customized for your particular company. This is a bit more involved since you have more details to include, and therefore more possibilities, but the results can come out amazingly. Of course you will start off with the basic details as before, but this time instead of stopping things there, you continue to build out the design adding more details to it in order to create the vision you have. And it can get as creative and inspired as you want, but we still want to remind you that this is a fairly small canvas, so you have little room to play with. We recommend not overdoing it, just for the sake of clarity and legibility so your clients can easily read the custom business badges your employees wear. As far as customization goes, you have quite a bit of freedom. We like to give control to our customers so they decide just how they want their name tags to look, before submitting the image to our team at Imprint Plus for us to create. You get to choose all sorts of details, big or small, including the material used, size, shape, color, and fastener. We like to give our customers the flexibility they need in order to feel confident about their designs and satisfied with the finished product once they are sent out and displayed proudly on the lapels of all their employees. All of these details come together to create the perfect custom business badges for your company to use.

Badge Accessories

In addition to the design of the name tag itself, you also have other options for how you can make your name tags tailor made to suit your company. We also provide our customers with the option to add badge talkers and reward medallions to their designs which add a special message, depending on which one they choose. You can pick out talkers that indicate multilingual speakers, employees in training, or even show some holiday spirit.

To create the custom business badges you envisioned for your company, know that you can always turn to Imprint Plus for high-quality customized name tags and helpful customer service. We are always here to support our customers in any way we can, so feel free to reach out for any questions you might have during the design process.