reusable name tag holders

When you think about professional green initiatives, the first thing you think of is probably not reusable name tag holders. With single-use plastic bags and straws pouring into the environment at an alarming rate, it’s reasonable to overlook a piece of plastic that might be a few iterations away from the center of the global plastic crisis.

All the same, businesses committing to do every little thing they can do to make the best impression have a vested interest in reusable name tag holders and other reusable plastic name badges. They save money, keep plastics out of the environment, and make a difference. Here’s how.

Some Facts Regarding the Current Global Plastic Crisis

There are innumerable statistics you could front to paint a picture of the severity of what has been called the global plastic crisis. There are so many that you might quickly lose sight of the big picture.

Regardless of the figures, you choose to make your impression, the takeaway is unmistakeable. Let’s look over some high-level facts and statistics.

  • At the current rate, every single year there are 8 million tons of plastic waste released into the oceans alone.
  • Manufacturers and developers are constantly trying to outdo themselves by producing plastics that are more flexible, more durable, and more chemically resistant than they’ve ever been; these plastics take hundreds to thousands of years to biodegrade.
  • There is a gyre in the North Pacific Ocean known as the North Pacific Gyre. It consists of a system of relatively self-contained currents and covers an area about three times the size of France. Concentrations of particulate plastic waste in the North Pacific Gyre are currently about 100 kg/km2 in the densest areas. The gyre itself contains approximately 80,000 tons of plastic debris.
  • According to current estimates, fewer than 10% of plastic produced in the world every year is recycled.
  • Consumers around the world buy one million plastic bottles - every minute.
  • Over 700 marine species are adversely affected by plastic pollution. Some research suggests that certain types of plastic debris affect cellular development and can adversely affect reproductive health in a wide range of marine life, ranging from fish to oysters.
  • Terrestrial plastic pollution is a serious concern for life on land as well.

The picture cannot be understated. Plastic pollution is real and it affects our world - but how do reusable plastic name tags factor into this? To illustrate how reusable name tags can positively affect a business’s green initiatives, let’s take a close look at our reusable badge holders, specifically with respect to what they are -  and aren’t - made of.

Why and How PVC Is Harmful

Many reusable name tag holders, specifically those that are made of clear plastic and paired with lanyards, are made from a material known as PVC, or polyvinyl chloride.

Polyvinyl chloride is easy and cheap to produce, but the problem is that it is toxic throughout every stage of its life cycle. Its production releases toxins, its use exposes users to toxins, and it releases toxins as it breaks down.

PVC has been called the most environmentally damaging of all plastics. Its production is associated with the release of chlorine-based toxins, and as it breaks down it releases lead, cadmium, and phthalates, in addition to organotins, which constitute a wide range of well-known toxins that have been used as pesticides and other noxious chemicals.

What’s even more unfortunate is that PVC doesn’t even make a superior translucent plastic for the purpose of creating reusable name tag holders. Over time, it’s prone to breaking down and yellowing, marring a professional finish. We knew we could do better, and we did.

Reusable Name Tag Holder A Real World, Reusable Name Tag Holder Alternative

Our reusable name tag holders that are meant to be paired with our lanyards are, instead, made with ethyl vinyl acetate, better known as EVA. EVA, in general, is considered less harmful to the environment than PVC, and ours is specifically BPA and phthalate-free.

EVA is also noteworthy because it doesn’t contain heavy metals or chlorine-based compounds, as is the case with PVC. It’s also typically free of phenols and other harmful materials. EVA does have one drawback; it doesn’t readily break down and takes forever to biodegrade. It breaks down so slowly that it’s actually not considered biodegradable.

That being said, the purpose of a reusable name tag holder is to be reused, not to throw away. Our PureClearTM badge holders are made of super-durable EVA plastic and designed to remain clear and flexible for many years to come. Instead of throwing it away, reuse it and you’ll save money and help the environment.

Contact Us to Learn More!

Interested in learning more about our many reusable name tags holders and tags? Many of them can be personalized in a wide range of ways, to reflect your brand and your company’s unique value in full color. Get in touch with us today at 800-563-2464 to speak with one of our representatives and we’ll help you bring your brand to life in a new fleet of name tags!