Employee Spotlight of the Month: Tracy Smith - Production Supervisor

As a seasoned professional, Tracy drives the everyday growth and administration within the Imprint Plus operations department. Tracy transformed and accelerated his career learning through expert-led leadership and communication courses. His career took off when he started working for the forestry industry during his school years. He moved on to working for Safeway doing inventory stocking and management. Later on, he transferred to Pacific Plastics in 1985, where he honed his managerial and operational skills for 31 years. Currently, Tracy works as a Production Supervisor for Imprint Plus, with responsibility towards overseeing and organizing the equipment, staff, and processes on the production floor.

Always wanting to create a positive impact, Tracy measures his personal and professional success by the depth of influence he has on people. A persistent hard worker, who never gives up and leads his life by example, Tracy is all about finding purpose, harnessing collaboration, and driving change.

Leading an active life is an integral part of Tracy’s holistic lifestyle. He swears by physical activity and frequents fitness centers routinely. A motorhead, who’s passion goes beyond sports and outdoors, Tracy likes to play hockey and go fishing with friends. He also loves to get out those power tools and get his hands dirty on woodworking or landscaping projects. When he’s not working, he’s whipping up tasty food for his family and friends. Until recently, he could be found scuba diving at scenic coasts around the world.

Is there is anything this man can’t do? To get a glimpse into his life and career, read on.

Getting To Know The Real Tracy Smith

What's the first thing on your mind every morning?

I always wake up and wonder - ‘Holy week - Is today Saturday?’

Describe your work at Imprint Plus in one sentence or phrase?

I’m always hustling - planning, organizing my work, mentoring my peers and colleagues. I love to empower others by sharing my knowledge and find it personally very gratifying to help others succeed and win.

What/who inspires you?

What - Having the knowledge in my heart that I’ve helped make a difference.

Who - I’m inspired by those who have busy lives but make time to help others in their journey.

Where do you see Imprint Plus in 5 years?

I see Imprint Plus moving to a better and more efficient location where we can continue to make new and innovative products that create stronger human connections.

Tell us one thing we don’t know about you?

I’m a great home cook! I can whip a truckload of great recipes and also give valuable cooking advice.

Recommend one Imprint Plus product to our followers.

I think our reusable name tags - they can be dismantled and modified to suit a variety of needs. You can reuse them several times, which is a cost-effective and long-lasting solution for any business or company.

What books are you reading at the moment?

Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business, Book by Gino Wickman.

What’s your favorite TV show?

I absolutely love watching ‘Bitchin Rides’. However, sometimes my choice is overruled by my family and I’m guilted into watching ‘Friends’.

What's your go-to productivity trick?

I sneakily take a quick look at my bank account and it gives me the right motivation and pushes me to get things moving in the right direction.

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?

I’ve had the pleasure of working with some inspirational and exciting people in my career. I’ve followed their lead to grow and become a good human being guided by virtue and value.

What was your first job?

My first job was working for an acreage farm. I was responsible for operating, haying, and barn cleaning for a meager but very fulfilling wage.

What's the worst job you've ever had, and what did you learn from it?

I started working at the steel foundry for a short while at the beginning of my career. That position really pushed me to start taking care of myself again. I started going to the gym, eating healthy, and leading a wholesome life.

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?

I spend my time working at the woodworking shop or tackling creative landscaping projects. You can also find me lounging at the White Rock beach amidst the sparkling sand and sea during the weekend.

What's one thing that surprised you about working at Imprint Plus?

I had no clue there were so many types of name tags available in the market. Before I started out with Imprint Plus, I had no idea that something as tiny as a name tag could be such a powerful tool for human connection.

Rapid Fire:

  • Work in silence or with background noise: I always have low-fi music playing in the background.
  • Cocktail order: Double Long Island Ice Tea or Caymus Red Wine.
  • Coffee order: Triple shot, extra hot Vanilla latte.
  • Style icons: None, I love my own style.
  • Favorite place to travel: Hawaii.
  • Most overused word or phrase: No worries.