Employee Spotlight of the Month: Ann Tait - Inside Sales Representative

Originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Ann Tait is one of nine siblings. She moved to Toronto to pursue a Bachelor of Arts from the esteemed Ryerson University. Her decision to become a part of the vibrant culture of Toronto was made soon after she completed her education. When she decided to stay, she wanted to enjoy all of the opportunities that the city had to offer. Growing up, sport played a big role in her life. As a basketball player, she credits the game for enriching her life experiences. She learned a lot from being on sports teams and is committed to the same values in her personal and professional life. Ann continues to be active in sports. The sport that she enjoys the most is volleyball, which she takes part in on an almost daily basis.

In her present role at Imprint Plus, Ann works as an Inside Sales Representative in support of the company's larger goal of expanding sales and growing the company. Ann strongly believes that it is important to be a forgiving, loyal, responsible, and supportive person and these values continue to guide her in her work and family life. As a lifelong advocate for integrity and passion, Ann embodies a can-do attitude. When she is not playing her favorite sports she is a fearless advocate and supporter of the Alzheimer Society. It is a cause very close to her heart. As a way to give back to the community, Ann participates in the walk almost every year in memory of her mother and father-in-law as well as all those affected by this disease.

Getting To Know The Real Ann Tait

What's the first thing on your mind every morning?

The first thing I think about is my family and friends. Each day, I say a prayer for them before I embark on my day.

Describe your work at Imprint Plus in one sentence or phrase?

At Imprint Plus, there is always something new to discover. We’re always innovating new and unique products to cater to new clients. It's always fun and engaging.

What/who inspires you?

The inspiration I receive from my son is invaluable. It always amazes me to hear him say something new to me every single day, and I am always proud of him.

Where do you see Imprint Plus in 5 years?

I see Imprint Plus becoming an extremely well-known brand in the near future, which means that we will be busier than ever.

Tell us one thing we don't know about you?

For almost ten years of my life, I was a member of the Caribbean Dance group. The group performed four times a night for an entire week. One of the most memorable moments for me was being able to dance for Queen Elizabeth.

Recommend one Imprint Plus product to our followers.

Without a doubt, I would recommend the custom badge. My favorite part is that I can do any shape, color, or design for our esteemed clients and partners.

What book are you reading at the moment?

I am currently reading “Forget Me Not” - a suspense crime thriller.

What’s your favorite TV show?

I am watching so much at the moment. My favorite show is Yellowstone. My anticipation for the next season cannot be contained.

What's your go-to productivity trick?

During the day, I try to write down everything I intend to do and then cross it off when it's done. Thank goodness for my teammates, who have always been there to help keep me on track.

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?

I consider my mother to be one of the strongest women I have ever known. I believe I have imbibed certain traits from her, which I hope to impart to my son in the future.

What was your first job?

During my first job, I worked as an usherette at the concert hall. My task was to greet guests as they entered the concert hall and direct them to their seats. While I was working, I was lucky enough to see rehearsals and the last bit of the show as I completed my shift.

What's the worst job you've ever had, and what did you learn from it?

I was hired to work for a telemarketing company that targeted the elderly and seemed to be dishonest in their dealings. When I found out what was going on, I quit! I believe honesty, clarity, and transparency should be the foundation for all organizations, regardless of who the customers or employees are.

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?

The majority of my time is devoted to cleaning or watching a movie. The time I spend relaxing is spent with my son watching a movie we both love.

What's one thing that surprised you about working at Imprint Plus?

I'm amazed at how helpful everyone is and how we have the ability to create such unique products consistently.

Rapid Fire:

  • Work in silence or with background noise: Background Noise.
  • Style icons: I don't have an icon but I love sporty styles.
  • Favorite place to travel: Miami
  • Most overused word or phrase: Thank you and have a great day.