Effective Tactics to Retain Your Seasonal Staff

The Realm of Seasonal Employment

What does the term "seasonal employee" mean?

Seasonal employment involves working part-time during specific times of the year, often during a business's peak season, or holiday season. Seasonal employees are usually paid on an hourly basis and receive additional bonuses or benefits based on their performance. The term seasonal employee is also used to refer to temporary workers, seasonal staff, seasonal workers, and freelancers.

Seasonal employment, despite its transient nature, serves as a critical component for businesses and our economy. Industries ranging from hospitality, retail, and agriculture to beauty and recreation often rely on seasonal staff during peak times. Brands hire seasonal workers during peak holiday periods, so they can easily adjust their workforce to meet holiday demands or requirements. Seasonal jobs often attract local workers or students looking for temporary work. This not only alleviates unemployment rates during the season but also circulates more income within the local economy. But retaining this talent year after year proves a monumental challenge. It often results in incessant recruitment costs and the loss of trained employees. As we delve deeper into this blog, we'll unveil strategies that can transform this seasonality into lasting loyalty. Some of the best companies to work for ensure their seasonal employees feel part of their core. It's not just about hiring; it's about making them stay.

On a strategic scale, seasonal hiring presents an opportunity to assess the potential of new staff without a long-term commitment. It acts as a functional talent pool in which talented workers can be identified and offered permanent roles. As reported by Benefits Canada in a 2022 article, in a year, the number of employees actively seeking new opportunities surged from 31% to a staggering 50%. The employment dynamics are shifting, and businesses need to pivot their strategies accordingly. Employers in Canada are investing in innovative wellness and benefits programs to recruit and retain employees. There's no escaping the workforce upheaval we're experiencing, and it's time to reassess your strategies to ensure both seasonal and permanent employees stay at your company and thrive.

Understanding The 'Seasonal' Mindset

Seasonal employment, a prevalent trend across various industries, arises typically due to fluctuations in demand for goods and services throughout the year. It can be influenced by various factors such as holidays, peak tourist seasons, and shifts in agriculture or weather patterns. Seasonal employment offers workers the flexibility to earn extra income, expand their skill sets, and gain valuable experience. Seasonal employees often see their roles as short-term commitments. Some might be students, others could be explorers wanting to travel, or individuals supplementing their income. To retain them, businesses need to cater to their unique mindsets. For students, consider giving scholarships. For those with love to travel around, flexibility is paramount. By addressing the specific needs and aspirations of seasonal staff, businesses can create a healthy environment where seasonal staff return every season.

The Art of Creating an Employee-Friendly Atmosphere

Your business environment plays a pivotal role in making seasonal hiring more effective. Some leading tech companies are renowned for ensuring even their part-time recruits feel integral to their ecosystem. The utilization of custom name badges and accessories from Imprint Plus can further foster a sense of belonging. These customizable badges ensure every team member, regardless of their employment term, feels acknowledged and part of the larger community.

Let’s look at the 7 pillars of creating a magnetic work environment that will keep seasonal workers coming back year after year.

  • Effective Management: Good leadership is crucial. Ensure managers are approachable, supportive, and fair.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Consider seasonal demands and their personal needs.
  • Welcoming Culture: Promote inclusivity, teamwork, and respect. Prioritize clear communication, positive recognition, and employee engagement.
  • Competitive Compensation: Offer competitive wages, attractive benefits, or performance incentives.
  • Proper Training and Support: Equip staff with the skills and knowledge they need and provide ongoing support.
  • Feedback and Appreciation: Regularly appreciate contributions and employee successes, big and small, and take feedback seriously.
  • Growth Opportunities: Offer opportunities for skill development or advancement can motivate people to return.

Training and Capacity Building: An Investment, Not a Cost!

Many retail giants, offer seasonal jobs with perks and numerous training programs. Many companies have set up training academies for their employees to cultivate skills so they can handle a variety of responsibilities. When seasonal staff witness an organization's willingness to invest in their development, they're more likely to return. Products like the reusable name badge from Imprint Plus can be a retention magnet - used in training sessions, emphasizing consistency and professionalism. The use of training badge talkers can help simplify communication and elevate customer service by spotlighting brand-new team members.

Increasing Job Satisfaction: Beyond the Paycheck

While a competitive salary is crucial, elements like work culture, flexibility, and recognition hold equal importance. Google, for example, provides opportunities for skill enhancement and growth, making employees, including temporary ones, feel appreciated on top of their salaries. Google also offers perks like free food, healthcare, and gym memberships, which can go a long way in increasing job satisfaction.

Gallup Workhuman 2022 Study outlines the that are being used by many organizations to create a sense of belonging and connection.

Efficient Communication: Building Trust and Transparency

Open communication channels fortify trust within your seasonal staff. Many global companies adhere to an open-door policy, ensuring that employees, whether permanent or seasonal, feel heard. By integrating tools like Imprint Plus’s desk and standing signs, businesses can further streamline communication, ensuring every employee, irrespective of tenure, knows where to go for assistance or queries.

Appreciation and Recognition: Fueling Morale and Motivation

A simple 'Thank You' goes a long way. Brands that have mastered the art of employee recognition are always at the forefront of implementing new tools and resources to boost morale and motivation. Lapels and medallions are a great way to display professional achievements, so your staff stays energized and engaged. Recognizing seasonal staff through Imprint Plus’s badge talkers – highlighting languages, passions or interests can solidify their association with the company, making them enthusiastic about returning for the next season.

Creating Growth Opportunities for Seasonal Teams

Showcasing ways to offer growth and learning opportunities to seasonal staff, thus converting seasonal employment into a long-term commitment. Offering pathways for advancement can transform a temporary duty into a long-term one. Employers often invest in their employees by paying for course tuition, ensuring seasonal workers have a future with the company.

Success Stories: Transitioning from Seasonal to Permanent – A Story Worth Sharing

Let's consider the journey of Ahmed Eldeeb, Customer Financial Analyst at Imprint Plus, an exemplary example of a seasonal hire who made the remarkable transition to a full-time role, all thanks to the training and growth opportunities he encountered. Stories like Ahmed's serve as a source of inspiration for other seasonal hires, helping them envision a promising future within the company. Here’s what he had to say about his transition.

"My journey with Imprint Plus began as a temporary employee, but right from the start, I knew that I could make a meaningful impact. Although my initial contract spanned only three months, the company's innovative culture provided the perfect environment for me to exceed expectations. Joining as a collection clerk, my objective was crystal clear: reduce accounts receivable over 3 months to 8% or lower. In three months, not only did I meet my targets, but I was able to surpass them. My dedication and remarkable results did not go unnoticed, and I was promoted to the role of Customer Financial Analyst."

The Win-Win of Seasonal Retention

Recruiting skilled and driven staff members for every season is a complex and resource-intensive endeavor. Going through multiple profiles, filtering qualified candidates, engaging and building a relationship can be time-consuming. Establishing a capable team that meets client requirements and goes above and beyond is vital for successful business operations. One way to optimize this process is by having a well-planned strategy to retain personnel across seasons. This not only reduces the costs of hiring and training new employees but also ensures a seasoned, proficient, and committed team dedicated to your business's achievements.

Retaining seasonal employees should not merely be a cost-saving strategy; it's about cultivating a community where each member, regardless of their tenure, feels valued. By understanding their mindset, offering growth opportunities, and maintaining an open line of communication, businesses can transform the transient nature of seasonal employment into lasting loyalty. The result is a win-win for all parties involved. Businesses save on recruitment costs and enjoy the benefits of experienced staff, while employees gain stability, growth, and a sense of belonging.

We’ve compiled 6 tips to help you improve retention of seasonal employees in 2023.

Encourage Seasonal Employee Retention

  • Request their return at the season's end.
  • Conduct exit interviews to understand reasons for non-return.
  • Secure early contracts for the next season to save on recruitment costs.

Maintain Off-Season Communication

  • Send occasional greetings or event invitations.
  • Engage them to foster goodwill and encourage positive word-of-mouth.

Provide Return Incentives

  • Offer competitive wages or roles with added responsibility.
  • Extend non-monetary benefits or potential for advanced training.

Leverage Employee Networks

  • If a returning employee is unavailable, inquire about referrals from their network.
  • Offer referral bonuses in gift cards, cash or in kind for referred staff.

Prioritize Being an Attractive Workplace

  • Cultivate a positive, balanced work environment.
  • Promote teamwork, training, and work-life balance.
  • Aim for a reputation that attracts long-term, skilled workers.

Diversify Your Hiring Pool

  • Consider hiring retirees for their experience and loyalty.
  • Explore hiring beyond borders for diverse talents and linguistic advantages.

Do you think it is important to retain seasonal workers? We'd love to hear from you on our social media channels.
