Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion: Building and Embracing Different Perspectives in the Workplace

With today's ever-changing workplace landscape, the importance of an inclusive culture holds immense significance. Cultivating a work environment that actively embraces diversity and inclusion has become indispensable for achieving success, driving innovation, and promoting harmonious collaboration within an organization. To understand diversity and inclusion, we must recognize that diversity goes beyond surface-level differences such as race, gender, or age. It explores the unique life experiences, backgrounds, and viewpoints that everyone brings to the table. By nurturing an inclusive culture, companies can tap into a vast reservoir of diverse talents and ideas, ultimately gaining a competitive edge in the modern business landscape.

"A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.” – Sundar Pichai - CEO of Alphabet‎ and ‎Google"

Why Does Inclusion Matter?

Inclusion is essential as it creates an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported. When people from different backgrounds come together, they bring various perspectives, ideas, and experiences, which foster creativity and problem-solving in all aspects of business. Inclusive practices go beyond diversity quotas and statistics. Ultimately, diversity, equity, and inclusion are principles that support, embrace, and empower all groups of people.

Did you know that inclusive teams outperform their counterparts? Research shows that companies with inclusive teams generate more revenue per employee and are more profitable. Leadership plays a crucial role in cultivating an inclusive culture. Besides leading by example, leaders are instrumental in championing diversity and inclusion initiatives and encouraging open communication. It requires actively listening to different voices, valuing and respecting all individuals, and providing equal opportunities for growth and advancement.

Workplaces that are focused on creating an inclusive culture are more innovative and productive, resulting in happier employees. Numerous studies have shown that organizations with diverse leadership teams are more likely to achieve higher financial returns. Harvard Business Review highlights that hiring diverse employees boosts the intellectual potential of your business and Boston Consulting Group has found that diversity results in improved financial performance. A diverse workforce enables businesses to better understand and serve a diverse customer base. Evidence also shows that individuals engaged in critical dialogue about inclusion and challenging biases have a ripple effect on their social networks.

The Power of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion - Success Factors

Building a cohesive, innovative team can be a challenging task despite business acuity. That’s why establishing an inclusive team culture is crucial. Some findings show that leadership commitment and support are key success factors that drive diversity and inclusion at all levels. Observations show that 45% of employees’ experiences of inclusion are shaped by their managers’ leadership behavior.

Fostering a culture of openness and respect requires implementing inclusive policies and practices, encouraging diversity in talent management and recruitment, and providing employees with diversity training and education. McKinsey's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Lighthouses 2023 Report found five common success factors that led to a significant, measurable, and sustained impact on underrepresented groups. The study aims to make people in leadership positions more accountable, encourage honest conversations between employees and their bosses, and inspire them to share their ideas. McKinsey's report also suggests that leaders utilize a success checklist that creates meaningful change within their organization’s context.

Plus Tip #1 - Invest in educational initiatives to increase awareness about underrepresented groups and other cultures within your organization.

Types of Diversity in Workplaces, Events, and Offices

Diversity in the workplace involves the collaboration between individuals with different backgrounds and ways of thinking; that results in fresh insights and innovative approaches. Embracing different perspectives acts as a springboard for creativity and problem-solving. This multifaceted tapestry of ideas and viewpoints enriches decision-making, propelling organizations toward success.

Recognizing and appreciating various types of diversity helps create a more inclusive, welcoming, and productive environment for all individuals, enabling collaboration, learning, and growth. To leverage the unique contributions of every individual, we must recognize and embrace diversity in all its forms, including but not limited to:

  1. Cultural
  2. Demographic
  3. Age
  4. Gender
  5. Language
  6. Nationality
  7. Racial and Ethnic
  8. Sexual orientation
  9. Special Needs and Disabilities
  10. Socio-economic status
  11. Educational and Professional Background
  12. Religious and Spiritual
  13. Cognitive and Neurodiversity

Diversity and Inclusion: Global Trends

An inclusive society is morally right and economically beneficial, especially during times of crisis. The World Bank estimates that diversity initiatives can increase the global GDP by $28 trillion by 2025 by achieving gender equality in labor markets. It's important to note that diverse companies are more likely to attract and retain top talent, reducing turnover costs and increasing productivity. Diversity and inclusion promote creativity, innovation, and problem-solving capabilities. To better understand diversity and inclusion practices, let's look at how different industries approach this subject.

Companies like Google and Microsoft have implemented unconscious bias training programs and actively work on diversifying their workforce. Google has invested in inclusive mentorship programs, employee resource groups, and initiatives to increase the representation of underrepresented groups.

Financial institutions like JPMorgan Chase have come to appreciate the importance of diversity and inclusion in driving business success. The company has established diversity and inclusion councils to ensure equal representation and opportunities. More than 20,000 leaders at Bank of America are accountable for driving diversity within their teams and rely on diversity leadership councils to keep the process transparent.

In the healthcare industry, diversity and inclusion are crucial to ensuring quality care is available to all and to prevent poor health outcomes associated with a lack of equity and diversity. Health organizations like Kaiser Permanente's anti-bias and anti-racism program and Mayo Clinic’s $100 million anti-racism pledge reaffirm the importance of fostering an inclusive environment. As part of their strategy to reduce health disparities for minority populations, they prioritize diversity in their workforce and have implemented initiatives that support this effort.

Many retailers, such as Walmart and Target, proactively serve diverse customer bases and promote inclusivity within their organizations. Walmart's interactive CDEI tool analyzes women's representation in international and United States markets. Their DE&I programs are laser-focused on hiring diverse talent, giving them equal advancement opportunities, and fostering an inclusive environment. Within Target, 53% of employees are people of color, and 56% are women. They encourage diversity through their Racial Equity Action and Change Policies, providing support and encouragement from the hiring process and supply chain to partnerships that drive wellness and safety for minority groups.

Imprint Plus: A Champion of Diversity and Inclusion

At Imprint Plus, we recognize the power of diversity and inclusion. Our mission is to create an inclusive culture where everyone's voices can be heard, respected, and valued. Our internal programs and policies ensure equal opportunities, representation, and a supportive environment for all employees. We're constantly learning and taking concrete steps to foster an inclusive workplace and weave diversity into our core values.

Joanne Richards - General Manager at Imprint Plus, further affirms the company's mission

'In my view and experience, diversity and inclusion hold crucial significance because individuals from varied backgrounds or cultures enhance innovation and spark creativity. This sense of diversity fosters an environment of fairness and promotes equality amongst all employees. Embracing different viewpoints, backgrounds, and stories fosters learning, understanding, and connectivity among team members, enhancing the social fabric of any workplace. It also helps attract top-caliber talent and boost employee engagement. These factors contribute to an increase in productivity and overall business success. It's clear that diversity and inclusion are not just ideals, but a necessity for a thriving business environment.'

Steps to Initiate Diversity & Inclusion at Imprint Plus

1. Celebrating Various Festivals and Special Occasions

We're proactive in promoting and educating our staff by acknowledging and celebrating various cultural and religious festivals in the office. It can foster a sense of belonging but also uplifts the work environment. Our team embraced cultural diversity this year through celebrations like Philippines Independence Day and Bakr Eid. We educated staff on various cultural intricacies and encouraged them to share their native cuisines, fostering a sense of unity and appreciation among the entire team. During Pride Month, we supported a youth organization group through our 'Father's Day Raffle,' raising funds for young adults undergoing gender transition.

2. Inclusive Hiring and Diverse Leadership

Our human resources and onboarding team have been trained to approach applicant qualifications with an open mind. We encourage candidates to apply even if they don't possess all the necessary skills. We firmly believe that having the right attitude is an asset, irrespective of cultural or background differences. We're firmly committed to presenting equal opportunities to all. We actively seek candidates from different backgrounds and ensure a fair and unbiased selection process. Our leadership team reflects our commitment to diversity, providing unique perspectives and ideas that benefit the company's growth.

3. Readjusting Internal Processes

We are recalibrating our internal processes to encourage a more respectful and inclusive culture. We aim to maintain transparency throughout the company. Our efforts include a digital company manifesto detailing primary processes, onboarding, dealing with work-related issues, company policies, and guidance on consequential steps. The manifesto is regularly updated to reflect the organization's most recent ideals and values.


Plus Tip #2 - Establish a panel of diverse people to serve as spokespeople within your organization and to represent the company on media panels.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion in Everyday Life

Small actions can have a significant impact on fostering inclusivity. According to market predictions, the most significant D&I trend in 2023 is total transparency in goals, targets, and initiatives. By initiating conversations, advocating for diverse perspectives, and promoting equal opportunities, we can contribute to a more inclusive world.

It is essential to remember that promoting inclusion goes beyond the workplace. We should also extend inclusive practices to our communities, schools, and everyday interactions. As a society, we can create a place where everyone feels valued, heard, and seen by adopting inclusivity in every aspect of life. Diversity and inclusion are not mere buzzwords but powerful concepts that shape our world.

Is your organization actively fostering a sense of togetherness and inclusivity among staff? Join the conversation on our social media channels today!
