Choosing the Right Personalised Name Badge

As someone tasked with selecting the new name badges for your place of work, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the number of options you have and not know where to begin. To keep things simple for you, Imprint Plus has identified and clearly labeled some of the options you may want to choose from when designing a personalised name badge for employees. After you choose the general shape, you can move on to designing the smaller details of what will go onto each badge, which many find to be the fun part. Let鈥檚 go over these options individually to help you decide.

Permanent Badges

The first option you will likely consider are classic, permanent badges made from plastic or metal. These are highly easy to customize and personalise for any business so you can have fun working with these simple name tags. You may want to consider an engraved metal name tag, however, if it is a high-end look you are going for. Either way, you are free to design what you like.

Reusable Name Badge

Reusable name badges are fantastic options for any business looking to save some money in the long-run with their badges. These allow you to create beautiful, professional name badges that can be used and reused regardless of employee turnover or change in job titles. They cut down on the waste your business produces over time and make it easy to adjust quickly to new staff members with reusable name tags that are easy to customize. Just swap out the name tag insert and it is ready to go.

Photo ID Badges

When choosing the format of name tag you want for your staff, you may want to consider photo ID badges. These differ from the options previously mentioned because they include photographs of the workers along with their names and any other identifying information you might want to include like worker ID numbers. You have a much larger canvas with these badges, so you can get more creative with the general design of them or keep them more simple, as you feel is best for your company's branding. To go with these personalised badges, you will want some additional accessories like a name badge holder to protect the ID and a lanyard so it is easier to wear and make visible throughout the day as needed. An easy tip to follow is to create a design for your photo ID name badges with your company鈥檚 branded colors and single out one of those colors for the lanyard.

Name Badge Accessories

Utilizing badge accessories is a great way to create a personalised name badge for each of your workers. These accessories are fantastic for making your company's name badges stand out a bit more from what any of your competitors are doing and creates more visual intrigue without drawing too much attention. They are small, subtle details that are definitely worth the inclusion. Some of these badge accessories include badge talkers which sit around the perimeter of the name tag to showcase a design or deliver a message. Imprint Plus has several designs for you to choose from based on the purpose you have for including one with your name tags. This is a fantastic option to employ if you have staff and customers that speak multiple languages. You can create a personalised name badge with a badge talker that announces the languages spoken by that staff member. These are also great to customize badges around holidays or to identify new employees who are still in training and will need more understanding from customers.

For Guests & Volunteers

Whenever there are any sorts of events in-person for your company involving guests, you will want to have some viable, professional-looking options for name badges that guests can use. The same could be said for any guests or volunteers on a day-to-day basis who visit your company's location. Having suitable name badges for your guests is great for making introductions go more smoothly and helping to make visitors more easily identifiable. For these occasions, you will want some of our dry erase name badges, which are perfect for these kinds of situations. Guests can write their names on their badges with a dry erase marker and wipe them clean once they leave so they can be used for the next guests. This is a great, reusable option that makes your company look well-prepared with name tags for all guests.

With all of these general designs in mind, you can choose the best fit for your company much more easily. After deciding which one you are moving forward with, all there is left to do is design your company鈥檚 personalised name badge and place the order for the amount you need. We try to make this process as easy as possible for you at Imprint Plus, so once we have the details we need from you, you can count on us to deliver your new, high-quality name badges in a timely fashion. Look over our options for name badges and get started creating yours today.