Social Distancing Decals

There is no use in denying the fact that we are currently living in a pandemic. When you run an in-person business or have a physical event during this time, it’s important that you remain safe and adherent to the various pandemic-related safety precautions.

It’s vital that you stay safe, but also the rest of the people present, whether they be employees or clients, should remain safe as well. One efficient way to keep everyone healthy is by posting signs and other items with appropriate warnings and phrases as reminders of the steps they need to take to stay safe.

There are many potential messages that you might want to display at your business or during a specific event. These particular signs and other items could have phrases that allude to wearing masks, washing hands, using hand sanitizer, social distancing, getting the vaccine, and many others.

Another option you could utilize during this pandemic is floor stickers specifically made for social distancing reminders. You place these on any flat surface, but especially the ground or floor, which then act as efficient reminders for those to remain six feet apart.

As handy as these decals can be, it can be difficult to know exactly where to place them within your business. Let’s have a look at the four best places to put floor social distancing decals in your business.

1. Outside Restroom Doors

One particular place in nearly any business that tends to have multiple people congregate nearby is the restroom. Because this area tends to have many people waiting in line regularly, this is a perfect place to lay down your social distancing decals.

People tend to forget to stay six feet apart, especially when they are in the uncomfortable state of needing to use the restroom. By strategically placing these reminders beneath their feet, they will be more likely to see them and, ultimately, be adherent to the social distancing regulations.

On top of this, most people tend to look down at their feet or their phones while waiting for an available restroom. While they’re looking at their feet or phones, they will be far more likely to see your thoughtful reminder and then keep their distance.

2.Near Your Counter/Register

If you have a business that has a counter or a register that people tend to queue near, then this is definitely another great location to place your floor social distancing decals. When people wait in line for their desired product or service, they may get antsy or distracted, potentially not paying attention to the social distancing mandate.

In order to stop this from occurring, place several of these decals six feet apart where your customers tend to line up. This will help in reminding them to keep their distance even while they’re waiting for your or your employees’ assistance.

Not only will it immediately and politely remind your customers of this concern, but it will also save your employees from constantly needing to verbalize these warnings while taking care of other customers. It can help you, your clients, and employees get the job done efficiently and safely.

3. Near Elevators/Escalators

Unfortunately, there are still unavoidable occurrences where people will need to come closer than six feet apart. Some examples could be on an airplane or on a train, but there are even more everyday situations such as these, like while on elevators and escalators.

Before they get onto an elevator or escalator in your business, be sure to have these decals on the floor to remind them to be mindful of their distance from each other while waiting for the elevator/escalator. Then, you could go as far as to pair this decal with a sign within an elevator for wearing masks. This would further assist in getting the message across and keeping everyone as safe as possible.

4. Near Business’s Entrance

When your customers enter your business, they may be in a rush or be distracted by their own busy lives, leading them to be less wary of keeping their distance from other customers and even your employees. In order to battle this, you can place these decals right outside your entrance.

By placing these decals, you can immediately set the tone for your and your business’s expectations. Your customers can walk in, already aware of what they need to do while inside your place of business. They’re reminded by a visually appealing decal to stay safe and keep their distance, no matter where they are inside.

When you are placing social distancing decals, be sure to not just place them anywhere without much thought. Ensure you place them where they’ll be the most utilized! When you are shopping for the best decals for social distancing, check out our pre-made options or our customizable decals.